Tamil Deities
Monday, March 31, 2014
Isakki Amman
Friday, March 14, 2014
Idumban Swami
Esoteric Meanig
Vetrivel Muruganukku Harohara
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Sudalai Madan
He is considered to be the son of Sivan and Parvati.
The story about Mada Samy tells of his birth on Kailasa, the mountain home of Siva and Parvathi. It is said that Devi Parvathi wanted a child, but Lord Siva had sworn celibacy. He had promised to be chaste at the request of the gods, since they had feared that his union with Parvathy would be so powerful it would shatter the universe. Siva suggests another way to have a child. He tells Parvathy to go to Patala Loka, the watery underworld, and to gather a spark from the sacred lamp that burns there. Parvathi did so, carrying the spark in the hem of her skirt.
When Parvathi Devi returned to Kailasa, she opened the folds of her skirt, and found that the spark had become a shapeless mass of tissue. she was really worried and pleaded shiva to give her a solution. Thus sudalai madan is often called as Mundan which means a person without head and other body parts. Siva asked Brahma to give the baby a shape. shiva gave life to the baby . He named him as sudalai madan because, he came to the world because of a lamp(sudar)and he was shapeless. The boy was blessed by everyone and he was brought up as their son.
Parvathi initially feeds the child on Amrita (the nectar of immortality), instead of on breast milk. So it is said that the child became immortal. However, the child also became desirous for solid food. He went to the cremation grounds ("sudalai") on Kailasa, and began to eat the bodies that were burning there. When he finished those, he began to eat everything around him, the other spirits, the animals, the trees, the ground itself etc. He feasted with a heavy appetite.
Because he ate so much, and since he had such a fondness for meat, it was decided that he ought not remain in Heaven. Siva instructed him to go to Earth, and to care for its people. Siva proclaimed that Mada Samy's protection and kindness would be re-paid with offerings of cooked food and drink, and thus he would always have a meal, as well as people who would pray to him. So Mada Samy came to earth, accompanied by a number of singers and dancers who were sent by Siva to see to his worship. Many of the Paraiyar and Kanniyar drummers who play during the rituals to Mada Samy claim descent from these divine musicians.
Madan is also popular amongst certain segments of the Tamil diaspora in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Réunion and the French overseas territories in the Caribbean sea.
(courtesy: Wikipedia.org)
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Amirtavalli & Sundaravalli

Monday, October 4, 2010
Gomathi Amman

The goddesses is a yogini who was performing her penence on the tip of the needle to please lord shiva and merge with him. Two snake kings namely "sangan" and "padman". Sangan was worshipping lord shiva and padman was worshipping lord narayana. One day they had a quarrel on who is great whether lord shiva, the destroyer or narayana,the protector. They were trying to prove their own power and finally went to the yogini and pleaded her to give them a proper judgement.

One of the 18 siddhas, the great pambatti siddhar worshipped this goddesses as valai kumari and he regarded this goddesses to be the great serpant power which can make miracles in taking aspirant in yogic transformation. Pambatti siddhar samadhi is seen behind the temple.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Masi Periasamy
In the ancient time, He is only known as Muni, however, He was named Periasamy ( Big God) as He appeared with Gigantic Body, and Masi Month is the celebration month for Him. Usually the celebration is celebrated on star Uthiram, star of Sun (the symbol of Leader). Masi Periasamy is the very powerful compared to small deity as He is a Divine Sage (Muni). He is usually prayed by Muthuraja (Muthirayar) people as Kuladeivam. He is considered as the Most Powerful Kuladeivam among Tamilnadu Deities.
The form of Masi Periasamy in the temple is really tremendous as He is holding a vel at right hand side, with big moustache and talapa and sit on lion (the King of Jungle - also symbol of Muthuraja people). The form itself shows He is a Bravest Sage.
A person who is really sincere to Him would get all the blessings, happiness, luck, health, wealth and spiritual improvement. Nowadays, people from various country like Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, America, Mauritius, Hong Kong with various family background, caste and religion come to His Temple which is at peak of the Kollimalai (1250 metres above the sea). When anyone climb the hill to see Him, would praise Him really Periasamy as none of any kuladeivam resides at this top. Around Namakkal and Trichy area, we also could see many Kodangi (fortune teller with udukai - small hand drum) say Divine Vakku ( Divine Prediction) with the blessing of Masi Periasamy.
Every year, annual celebration would be done grandly. This year, the Annual Celebration (Thiruvizha) will be on 1 March 2010. This thiruvizha would be done very happeningly by 8 villages. Goat offering would be given in the thiruvizha. This is the right time to see very happening thiruvizha at the peak of Kollimalai (Kolli Hill).
Karuppu Sami
Karuppu Sami (Tamil: கருப்புசாமி) (also called by many names) is one of the regional Tamil male deities who is popular among the rural social groups of South India, especially Tamil Nadu an small parts of Kerala. He is one of the 21 associate folk-deities of Ayyanar and is hence one of the so-called Kaval Deivams of the Tamils..
Historical Tradition
Karuppu (in Tamil) means Black and Sami means God. Hence he is associated with darkness, night, etc.
In the ancient Tamil society, people venerated the Veerargal (or warriors) and had the formless stones (Veera Kal or Veerakkal) or Nadukkal erected in memory of them. These fallen warriors or any persons who sacrificed their life for a good cause such as protection of the welfare of the society or the community are revered by all. Just like other sub-deities, he is also a martyr.
Karuppanar is believed to protect the poor, and ensure justice and self-discipline among his believers. It is also believed that He is a fierce warrior who never forgives those who sinned or those who commit crimes. It is believed that He shoos away all evils and devils from entering the village.He masters all land and is a warrior who blocks all evil entering a boundary.
One of the legends of Karuppaswamy
Following is the story heard by word-of-mouth from the pujaris or Sami aadis in Alagar Kovil, Madurai.
Lord Rama had sent Sita to the forest when she was pregnant and lived in Saint Valmiki's Ashram.
While in the Ashram, She brought a male heir of Rama to the world.
One day when she was going out for some chores of the Ashram, she asked the Saint to take care of her child in the cradle. The Saint was watching the child and meanwhile went into a deep meditation. When Sita returned, she found that the Saint was in meditation and didn't want to disturb him to tell him that she was taking her child.
When the Saint was out of the meditation, he found the child missing. So he put some holy grass (Dherbai) in the cradle and with his mantra he made that as a child.
Later when he found that Sita was having her real child, he was so confused and asked Sita to treat the new baby also as her own child.
When Sita was returning to Rama, he was expecting only one male heir. But to his astonishment, he found two boys (Lavan and Kushan) approaching him. Again to test the purity of the boys, he set a fire and asked the boys to cross the fire to reach him. He told that whoever was his real heir would cross the fire unscathed. Unknowingly the boy brought up by the Saint, stuck in the middle of the fire and burnt his body becoming very dark.
Finally, Rama got to know what had happened in the forest to have two boys instead of one. Then he blessed the burnt boy to become his escort god (kaval deivam) and called him “Karuppannan” which became Karuppa Sami.
That was the reason why Karuppa Sami put the sacred tri-strips (Thiru Namam) on his forehead. And also I heard that while calling the deity, the pujaris sing that “Dherbaiyil pirandhavane (born from the holy grass)
A typical deity
The main form of worship of Karuppanar in the shrine is a formless stone which has been decorated with a Turban and a Dhoti with flowers and garlands. He wields an "Aruval" which is a long form of machete resembling a scimitar, a sword, sometimes a lance, a trident and a smaller knife.
The Aruval is a very significant weapon in Tamil Nadu and is considered, in itself, as a symbol of Karuppanar himself. Some Aruvals may reach the height of even 5 feet, especially the ones in Thiruppaachhi.
The Most Important musical Instrument Which like by God karuppanan are Tappu,Tharai,kombu Tharai,Otha thamukku,Pambai,Udukkai and Urumee.
Karuppannaswamy and Siddhas
Karuppannaswamy is a favourite Deity of the Nath/Siddhas. His worship has been integrated into the mode of worship of the Siddhas. Chenthamangalam near Salem has a temple dedicated to Pathinettampadi Raja Karuppannaswamy. This has been erected by Swami Santhananda Saraswati Avadhuta Swamigal.